CZ-Pdf2Txt is a batch pdf converter that convert pdf to text, enable you to convert a large number of pdf documents at one time, instead of trying to do them individually, and can watch source file folder and convert new uploading ms PDF documents to text files automatically.
Key Feature:
A. batch convert pdf to text, you can convert thousands of pdf files at one time, saving your time!
B. can watch source file folder and convert new uploading PDF documents to text files automatically. While your user upload PDF documents to your website, then this folder watcher can automatically convert them into text format.
C. support command line arguments.
D. convert table in pdf to delimit table text, you can appoint tab, comma, blank, semicolon, or other char as the delimit symbol, then you can copy table text and import it to excel or database.
E. can add the files in subfolders to convert.
F. can create run log file.
G. support convert current pdf and selected pages.
H. support PDF written in multi-byte Languages.
I. Preserves original document layout.
J. supports drag files and folders from your desktop.